如果一个英国人聊天聊着突然跟你说“I eat no fish”你可千万别以为人家是在暗示要一块吃饭这句话不止跟吃饭没关系,和鱼也压根没关系

eat no fisheat no fish表示:“忠实可靠的人”它的来源是这样的:英国女王伊丽莎白一世期间,规定了英国国教的教义与仪式。对此,一部分教徒表示支持,另一部分则坚决反对。那些支持决定的教徒为了表示对女王的忠诚,不再遵守罗马天主教规定的每星期五都要吃鱼的规定 。这些"不吃鱼"的教徒便被认为是"好人",而"eat no fish"一语便被用来喻指"忠诚的人、诚实的人"了。由于它源于英国的宗教文化,所以如果你跟美国人讲他可能不懂。     例:You can believe in James, he eats no fish and plays the game.你们可以相信詹姆斯,他是一个诚实可靠又守规矩的人。(play the game=守规矩)

drink like a fish这句话是美国俗语实际意思为:to regularly drink a lot of alcohol形容一个人喝酒跟鱼喝水一样没有节制理解为“豪饮;牛饮”例:Sorry, I m sick to my stomach. The doctor told me not to drink like a fish.对不起,我有胃病。医生告诉我不要饮酒过量。I used to drink like a fish and get drunk all the time.我以前酒喝得很猛而且每次都喝醉。

a poor fisha poor fish  释义:可怜虫在英语口语里,fish也常常被用来指“人”,类似汉语里的“家伙、东西”等。例:That old man is just a poor fish.
Charle s wallet was stolen on the bus.What a poor fish!查尔斯的钱包在公交车上被偷了,真可怜啊!
big fish
big fish在俚语中表示“大人物、重要的人物“用英文解释:If you describe someone as a big fish, you believe that they are powerful or important in some way. 重要人物 [非正式口语]     

举个例子:In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small pond, but after she moved to New York, she was just only one among many millions.在她家乡,她很了不起。可是搬到纽约后,她就不过是普通人一个了。

cold fishcold fish形容一个人“冷血;毫无感情”释义:If you say that someone is a cold fish,you think that they are unfriendly and unemotional.
不要理解成“凉掉的鱼”啦这个表达最早是出现在莎士比亚的著作《冬天的故事》里一直到二十世纪初才被广泛使用用来形容一个人“冷血;毫无感情”例:Our manager is a cold fish. He never jokes with us, and he only talks about work and business.我们经理是个严肃冷漠的人。他从来不跟我们开玩笑,他跟我们谈工作。He is a cold fish, no one wants to make friends with him.他是一个冷漠的人,没人想和他交朋友。


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